A miffed agreement strewn in the blanched vision, Nothing to couple but a dodged diversion! Who dare dreameth that the world shall …
A miffed agreement strewn in the blanched vision, Nothing to couple but a dodged diversion! Who dare dreameth that the world shall …
A million suicides in a year, around 805 million people going hungry on a daily basis and an estimated 350 million group …
Every time I open the newspaper the advertisements bother a lot. It appears that newspapers were made for advertisements and not news. …
Indian children are traditionally woken up by their parents in the off fan mode. Our parents don’t urge us to get up early …
Jumping around I picked up my mini purse and started enacting my teacher. It was late in the evening and I was …
It was weekend again and time to rush home. I quickly joined the queue, waiting frantically for my turn to buy the …
The wierd reaches of an empty box, Chirping a bedlam of tangled locks! The Honks in displeasure hold my head, The emptiness …
“Just leave me alone” , I retorted back at my friend. A “not so serious” discussion had ended up on a fiery …
My phone beeped as I got another memory full reminder. Searching through the file manager I searched for videos and photos that …
Vacations over and now it is time to be busy! Yes, college starts again and a new chapter awaits me. Recollecting …