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I saw my way being paved away,
My every desire stumbled in hay,
Yes I was sculpted before I even thought,
My every decision ..every desire ..dominantly sought!!
A separation I not so fancy with it,
But that silent refusal hushed the bedlam!

And then again vibrant assumptions hated me well,
Happy I was to find no cheerful bell.
Me it was who blurred your smiles,
Changed my steps in the middle of endless promised miles!

“A stoned Heart” maybe , they thought,
My smile searching for corners to rot!
Labeling darkness made the night easier,
As if a vodka and a diluted beer.

And then as I listened to the whispering curses,
Your Crying voice whistled in monotonous verses!!
I pondered at the hollowness of our empty mirage,
Colors fading off our cheery collage.

Maybe years post this damped moment,
Life will chance afresh,
Maybe your hate will be less,
Maybe reasons would glance to justify my action,
Maybe…Maybe..U will know,
That throughout the dwindling memories,
It was someone so quiet,
who trampled under an amplified pain,
Only to be left alone one day,
Crying a corner again!!


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